
Foto wpap
Foto wpap

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So far I've seen the pop art being assigned only to artists from Europe and America. " I believe that visual pop art is more and more part of the Indonesian society and the Indonesian people can engage further with the creation of pop art as it is a way to make Art in a sense of inclusion, in which everyone can participate. Thanks to Wedha, many artists in Indonesia have followed in his artistic footsteps: WPAP merupakan gaya ilustrasi potret manusia yang didominasi bidang-bidang datar marak warna depan (dikenal dengan sebutan foto narak berkotak), tengah dan belakang untuk menimbulkan dimensi, yang dibentuk dari garis-garis imajiner tegas dimana bentuk wajah, posisi elemen-elemen anggota wajah dan proporsinya tetap sama dengan potret aslinya. And Wedha Abdul Rashid proved that other parts of the world can also dive into similar styles. In the U.S., Andy Warhol might be the most famous pop artist. His work includes famous faces such as John Lennon, Mick Jagger, Jimmy Hendrix, Jim Morrison, The Beatles, Elvis Presley, Sting, Bono, as well as famous political figures such as JFK, Indira Gandhi, Benazir Bhutto, Fidel Castro, Ahmadinejad, and others. He then proceeded to draw these faces according to true dimensions, using a mosaic of colors. In the early 90's, Wedha started to illustrate faces formed by single lines and strong colors, inspired by the cubist style. Wedha Abdul Rashidhas worked as an illustrator for the press industry since the 1970s, developing portraits of important figures from all backgrounds: politicians, musicians, artists, and fictional characters. But even so, I still continue to try until I can be in charge of the flow of this art.Initially developed by one of the premier illustrators of Indonesia, Wedha Abdul Rashid, known as "The Father of Enlightenment in Indonesia", WPAP Art is made using straight lines and sharp, vibrant, contrasting fills. The first time I tried THIS, the result is destroyed and the technique that I use is also less firmly as required in the flow of this art. Wedha this is, she is known for with a Quotes “Yesterday, I didn’t Want to Like Yesterday”.


Wedha was not initially suspected when a technique that creates this artistic merit, given the tekhik it does because at that time plus the power of vision and the level of accuracy has been decreased because of the age factor.


Wedha start making lines and fields of the design firm who then filled with striking colors. Wpap sendiri pada awalnya namanya bukan Wpap akan tetapi FMB (foto Mark Berkotak) dan pada awalnya juga Bp wedha membuat karyanya mengunakan teknik manual karena pada saat itu belum banyak aplikasi grsafis seperti sekarng ini.berkat kegigihanya sehingga seni Pop art ini menjadi aliranya.

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Wedha using a reference photo of the original with the level of difficulty is quite high, especially regarding the suitability of the area of illumination on the skin and smoothness of the scratches. The uniqueness of the process of the discovery of the graphic illustration of this is in making image-image of illustration, Mr. So the position of the face member, and the proportions remain the same with the portrait of the original by the process of tracing the creative. both eyes, the nose and the mouth or lips. Techniques WPAP focuses on the Area of T, i.e. WPAP is a style of illustration portrait of a human face which is dominated flat fields and raises the dimension, which is formed from the imaginary lines firmly. Wedha launched a new way to drawing illustration of the face that until now known by the name of WPAP. Wedha try illustration style of cubism to the picture and continue to develop it. Because of the declining power of vision, making it difficulty in face painting. His work was in the field of Illustrators make him have to think hard at the age of 40 years.

foto wpap

Father in Pekalongan on Mathis find WPAP in the year 1990. WPAP is a flow of art that focus on the area of the face, and with the outstanding design, the result of the work of WPAP this does not change the shape of the face of the original so that even though the print is designed with WPAP his face was still recognizable.Īs I have alluded to above, WPAP is the flow of art created by Indonesian people named Wedha Abdul Rasyid. Before becoming WPAP, the flow is named FMB which stands for Photo Rife Checkers. WPAP is abbreviation of Wedha’s Pop Art Potrait namely a stream of famous art with his trademark depicting a face with a texture that is composed of many fields and given the striking, colourful.

Foto wpap